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Kin-Tung YIT



Address :

(Home)    Room 501, Block A, No.70-2, Lienhai Rd., Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 80424, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

(Office)    National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU), No. 70, Lianhai Rd., Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 804, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Telephone: +886-7-5252776(H), +886-7-525-2000 ext. 5867; 3220 (O), 886-916276056(M)

Fax          : +886-7-525-5851

E-mail     : yitkt@yahoo.com; yitkt@faculty.nsysu.edu.tw


Current position:

2024/08 - Professor and Chair, Institute of Philosophy, NSYSU.

2019/02 - Professor, Institute of Philosophy, NSYSU.

                Joint Appointment Professor, Si Wan College, NSYSU.


Previous positions:

1. 2004–2006     Post-doctoral research fellow in the Center for the Study of Science and Religion (CSSR), Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan.

2. 2005–2006     Assistant Professor at the Dharma Drum Mountain Sangha University. (part time)

3. 2005–2006     Assistant Professor, Holistic Education Center and the Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University. (part time)

4. 2006/08 -2011/01 Assistant Professor, Center for General Education / Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan.

5. 2011/02 -2019/01 Associate Professor, Center for General Education / Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan.



2004         PhD in Buddhist Studies, University of Bristol (U.K.). Thesis: A Stereotyped Structure of the Path in Early Buddhist Literature: A Comparative Study of the Pāli, Sanskrit, and Chinese Sources. Doctoral advisor: Dr Rupert Gethin.

1999         MA in Buddhist Studies (with commendation), University of Bristol (U.K.). 

                Dissertation: Aśvaghosa’s Thought on the Buddhist Path to Liberation. Supervised by: Prof. Paul Williams.

1997        MA in Buddhist Studies, Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies (Taiwan). Dissertation: The Study of Saundarananda, Chapter XV: The Elimatation of Vitarkas. Supervised by: Prof. Ven. Huimin.

1993        BSc in Physics, National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan).


Research interests:

Buddhist meditation theory and path-structure, early Buddhism (Pāli Nikāyas and Chinese Āgamas), Theravāda Abhidhamma, early Mahāyāna Buddhism, the application of Buddhist practice to psychology.  


Research projects:

  1. A Comparative Study of the Pāli Dīgha Nikāya and the Chinese Dīrgha Āgama (funded by National Science Council: NSC 98-2410-H-110 -037 -MY2, 2009.08.01-2011.07.31)

  2. Studies of Dīrgha Āgama group texts: comparison on Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit literature (funded by National Science Council: NSC 100-2410-H-110 -070 -MY3, 2011.08.01-2014.07.31)


Courses taught:

Introduction to Buddhism, Buddhist Philosophy, Mahāyāna Philosophy, Buddhist Hermeneutics, Buddhist Phenomenology, Introduction to Pāli / Sanskrit, Science and Religion. Introduction to Abhidhamma. Practice of Western mindfulness and Eastern satipaṭṭḥāna.


Selection of Publications:

  1. “The Theravada notion on Mindfulness and Clear Comprehension”, Fa-Kuang (A Buddhist Studies Monthly), No. 157, October 2002, pp. 2-3. (in Chinese)
  2.  “The usage of yoga and its related compounds in the Saundarananda”, Jheng Guan (Satyābhisamaya), no. 28, March 2004, pp. 5-24. (in Chinese)

  3. “An Evaluation of Recent Western Scholarship on Oral Literature in Early Buddhism”, Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies, no. 8, March 2004, pp. 327-348. (in Chinese)

  4. “Buddhist meditation formulas occurring in various versions of early canonical texts”, Zheng Kuan, no. 31, December 2004, pp. 147-199.

  5. “Buddhist meditation experiences and the consciousness”, Conference Paper: Science & Religion: Global Perspectives---An International, Interfaith, and Interdisciplinary Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 4th June, 2005. ( http://www.metanexus.net/conference2005/pdf/yit.pdf)

  6. A Stereotyped Structure of the Path in Early Buddhist Literature: A Comparative Study of the Four Pāli Nikāyas and Four Chinese Āgamas”, Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, no. 19, July 2006, pp. 147-178. (in Chinese)

  7. “Buddhist Meditation Experiences and the Study of Mind or Consciousness”, New Century Religious Study, vol. 5, no. 3, March 2007, pp. 37-66. (in Chinese)

  8. “Re-examining the four jhānas in early Buddhism from the Pāli Nikāyas: the role of jhāna meditation in the path to liberation”, Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, July 2007, pp. 83-120. (in Chinese)

  9. “Dialogue between Science and Buddhism: the Cases of Buddhist Meditation and Science”, Universitas: Monthly Review of philosophy and Culture, no. 409, June 2008, pp. 97-121. (in Chinese)

  10. “Remarks on Fixed Units of Wordings in Early Buddhist Canon”, The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, no. 9, 2008, pp. 267-291.

  11.  “Clear comprehension, mindfulness and meta-awareness, meta-consciousness”, Conference on Buddhism and Psychology, Yuan Ze University, 2009.06.19. (in Chinese)

  12. “Richard Gombrich’s approach and argument on recovering the Buddha’s original meaning”, Alethela, No. 18, 2010.01, pp. 45-74. (in Chinese)

  13.  “Experiences in the Life That Go Beyond the Brain”, Journal of Life Education, Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2011, pp. 1-21. (in Chinese)

  14.  “Comparison studies on Poṭṭhapāda-sutta from Chinese, Sanskrit and Pali sources”, Second Conference on Sanskrit and Buddhist Studies, 8-10 November, 2012, Cheng Chi University, Taipei. (in Chinese)

  15. (with Yung-Jong Shiah) “The Nature of Death and Life Impermanence to Investigating the Death Terror from the Buddhist Perspective”, Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, Vol. 38, December 2012, pp. 167-187. (in Chinese)

  16.  “The examination of four jhānas from the Dīgha nīkāyas / Dīrgha Āgamas group texts”, Jheng Guan (Satyābhisamaya), No. 66, September 2013, pp. 5-38. (in Chinese)

  17.  “Reflection on Pure Land on earth”, in Studies of Master Sheng yen, Vol. 4, November 2013, pp. 131-159. (in Chinese)

  18. “Division 2. On Karma”, in The Madhyama Āgama (Middle Length Discourses)   Vol. 1., 2013, pp. 63-140. (Published by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, Inc. )

  1. “Two traditions of Śrāvaka meditation: Kumārajīva’s Zuo chan san mei jing and Buddhaghosa’s Visuddhimagga”, in Shashibala (ed.), Kumārajīva-Philosopher and Seer, New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Center For the Arts, 2015, pp. 178-189.

  2. 從佛教禪修反思大腦科學之研究〉,Bul gyo hak bo : the journal of the Korean Buddhist Research Institute (佛教學報),第71期,20157月,pp. 81-105. (in Chinese)

  3. Kwang-Kuo Hwang, Yung-Jong Shiah, Kin-Tung Yit, ‘Eastern Philosophies and Psychology: Towards Psychology of Self-Cultivation’, Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1083, June 2017, 1-2, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01083.

  4. Monograph: 《禪修、禪法、禪技: 佛教修行觀之嬗變》(From Buddhist meditative bhāvana, contemplative pariyāya to secular operative sippa: a changing process of Buddhist meditation practice),國立中山大學出版社,2018年8月。 (312頁,ISBN 978-986-92114-8-2 / GPN 1010701268) (in Chinese)


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