

戴遠雄 助理教授


戴遠雄 助理教授 


學術專長: 現象學、政治哲學

e-mail: jackytai@g-mail.nsysu.edu.tw








2020:比利時 荷語天主教魯汶大學哲學博士

2020:法國 巴黎第七大學哲學博士



1. 2020.09, History and Freedom: Phenomenological Studies of Hannah Arendt and Jan Patočka, Doctor of Philosophy, KU Leuven & Université de Paris.



1. “An Intercultural Reading of Patočka’s Concept of Sacrifice,” in Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy, Vol. XII, No. 1, June 2020, 209-241. ESCI

2. 〈歐洲的危機與重生——胡塞爾與柏托什卡〉,載於《現象學與人文科學》No.7 胡塞爾:從邏輯到歷史(台北:漫遊者文化,2018),頁189-237



1. 雅恩柏托什卡Jan Patočka戴遠雄譯〈七七憲章是甚麼和不是甚麼〉(“Ce qu’est la Charte 77 et ce qu’elle n’est pas”)《現象學與人文科學》第10(高雄:國立中山大學現象與人文科學研究中心),頁105-110

2. 聖奧貝爾(Emmanuel de Saint-Aubert)戴遠雄譯〈梅洛龐蒂哲學裏的意識和表達「感性世界與表達的世界」一課未刊筆記的貢獻〉(Conscience et expression chez Merleau-Ponty – L’apport du cours inédit sur Le monde sensible et le monde d’expression)載於《現象學與人文科學》No.6梅洛龐蒂以人文科學改造現象學專輯台北漫遊者文化2016),231-269



1. “Revolution and its betrayals: Arendt’s phenomenological reflections,” in Young Phenomenology Scholar Webinar Series, , The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 11 Dec 2020.

2. “An action-oriented approach to the political: Arendt and her French interpreters”, in Phenomenology and the Political, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 9-11 May 2019.

3. “An Intercultural Understanding of Patočka’s Concept of Sacrifice”, in Applied Phenomenology, The 8th International Confernce of PEACE, Phenomenology in East Asian CirclE, Seoul National University, 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2018.

4. “Elements for a Phenomenology of History: Patočka’s Contribution,” in Doctoral Workshop, Jan Patočka: Phenomenology, Ethics, History, KU Leuven, 21 Jun 2018.

5. “The Tragic Spirit of Dionysus: Nietzsche and Vernant,” in Nietzsche and Art Conference, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University, 8-9 Dec 2017.

6. “Education or the courage to confront plurality: arendtian reflections on teaching classics”, in 2017 Institute on General Education cum Teacher and Student Conference, Office of General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 27-30 JUN 2017

7. “The world has no author: Patočka’s concept of the world in the light of its French interpretations”, Conference: Phenomenology and Anti-Phenomenology in Post-war France, Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2-4 Mar 2017

8. “Between silence and violence: Reappraisal of Arendtian concept of world”, Phenomenology of Dis/Ability 7th PEACE (Phenomenology for East Asian CirclE) Conference, The University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus, 16-18 Dec 2016

9. “Freedom of Sacrifice: psychoanalytic and phenomenological analyses” (犧牲的自由——精神分析與現象學的視野), Conference on Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis (第二屆現象學與精神分析), Nanjing University, 3-4 Dec 2016

10. “Combattre pour la paix - une lecture interculturelle des Essais hérétiques de Jan Patočka” (為和平而戰——對柏托什卡的《歷史哲學的異端論文》的跨文化闡釋), Journée d’étude internationale Traduire/transmettre, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 26 Aug 2016.



1. “Ideology and Justice”: Levinas Philosophy Summer Seminar, organized by Richard A. Cohen and Jolanta Saldukaityte, University of Chicago Center in Paris, France, 2-6 Jul 2018. 
