

2024.03.08|Decolonizing Philosophy Past and Present工作坊

Decolonizing Philosophy Past and Present工作坊















第一場:Bringing up and Breaking down the paradigm of “Western philosophy”: Reflections on the Histories of Philosophy in the 20th century


主講人:Rolf Elberfeld (Universität Hildesheim)


與談人:Huan Kuan-min 黃冠閔, Wu Feng-Wei 吳豐維 、Jean-Yves Heurtebise 何重誼




演講摘要 Abstract

At the end of the 19th century, philosophy was defined exclusively as "European philosophy" in the histories of philosophy in Europe. In the 20th century, "European philosophy" became "Western philosophy". As early as the 19th century, however, in the field of various Philologies "Histories of Chinese, Indian, Islamic, Japanese, Jewish etc. Philosophy" were written. The spectrum of philosophy has now expanded greatly through different national perspectives. The lecture attempts to reflect this development in its problematic and productive aspects.


主講人介紹 Speaker’s Bio

Rolf Elberfeld studied Philosophy, Japanology, Sinology, History of Religion in Wuerzburg, Bonn and Kyoto. He is Full Professor ofPhilosophy at the University of Hildesheim. His fields of research are Intercultural and Decolonial Philosophy, Phenomenology of the body,Japanese Philosophy, Global History of Philosophy. He leads the research project "Histories of Philosophy in Global Perspective" (2019-24).



第二場:Overcoming Occidentalism: Five Theses on cosmopolitan Solidarity


主講人:Rachid Boutayeb (Doha Institute)






演講摘要 Abstract

My lecture deals with Arab-Islamic Occidentalism and its selective and ideological interpretation of Western modernity and Islamic cultural heritage. In five theses, I present what I define as the dehumanizing logic of Occidentalism and explain why it only signifies reverse Orientalism or a false response to Western hegemony. The common denominator of Occidentalists is their rejection of cosmopolitanism, which they see as threatening their real or imagined identity.

Drawing from the works of Kant, Adorno, and Derrida, I advocate for cosmopolitan solidarity, vital to overcoming both Occidentalism and Orientalism. In this context, I address the classic conflict between civilization and culture in modern Arab thought, which still constitutes today's dominant discourse.


主講人介紹 Speaker’s Bio

Rachid Boutayeb is Assistant Professor of Social Philosophy and Ethics at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. He worked as Lecturer in the disciplines of philosophy, anthropology, and Islamic studies at several German universities. He has written numerous research papers related to the ethics and social philosophy of migration. Most recently he published in German: Tristesse oblige. Eine kleine Philosophie der Nachbarschaft (Alibri, 2022) and in Arabic: Modernity and Contemporaneity: Ideas for an Intercultural Philosophy (Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, 2024)
